王新宇 1,2,3阳洪 1,2,3宋军 1,2,3
1 中国电子科技集团公司第二十六研究所, 重庆 400060
2 重庆市固态惯性技术企业工程技术研究中心, 重庆 401332
3 重庆市固态惯性技术工程实验室, 重庆 401332
雷达测姿系统实际上是一种惯性导航系统, 长时间未标定会发生加速度计零位变化, 直接影响水平测量精度。针对此问题, 该文分析了系统误差机理及可观测性, 根据实际雷达天线的运动范围, 提出了一种免拆卸加速度计零位基准误差补偿方案。此方案的标定方法简便, 能够有效地识别并估计三轴加速度计的零位误差, 补偿后的动态水平基准精度由2′提升至0.5′, 适合在不方便拆卸的雷达车等大型设备上使用。
三轴加速度计 可观测性分析 免拆卸标定 triaxial accelerometer observability analysis disassembly-free calibration 
2023, 45(3): 471
罗华 1,2肖凯 1,2余鲲 1,2芶志平 1,2宋军 1,2
1 中国电子科技集团公司第二十六研究所, 重庆 400060
2 固态惯性技术重庆市工程实验室, 重庆 400060
根据惯组减振技术要求, 利用金属减振器设计减振系统。通过试验验证了减振系统的减振效果, 并对惯组动态性能进行了测试。试验结果表明, 沿惯组3个轴向的减振效率均在29%以上, 其中z向减振效率达到53%。对于挠性加速度计较为敏感的500 Hz频率点, 振动传递率均小于30%, 振动量级在0.053 g2/Hz(g=9.8 m/s2)以下。安装减振器后, 陀螺带宽大于50 Hz, 角速率延时约为5 ms; 加速度计带宽大于80 Hz, 说明减振器对系统动态性能影响不大。此外, 研究还发现金属减振器轴向减振效率较周向减振效率低。
惯组 金属减振器 减振系统 试验 inertial measurement unit(IMU) metal shock absorber damping system experiment 
2021, 43(3): 402
深圳大学 生物医学光子学研究中心/物理与光电工程学院, 光电子器件与系统重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
有机钙钛矿太阳能电池(OPSCs)的能量转换效率卓越, 可以媲美单晶硅太阳能电池。但是, 由于有机钙钛矿材料对水和空气十分敏感, 因而当前面临着器件稳定性方面的挑战。金属有机框架(MOFs)与其衍生材料具有开放式孔道结构和非常大的比表面积, 可以添加剂的形式用于电子、空穴传输层和混合钙钛矿-MOF光吸收层, 或作为界面修饰层有效钝化钙钛矿吸收层的缺陷, 并显著提升其能量转换效率及器件稳定性。本文介绍了MOFs的相关知识与MOFs结合OPSCs的研究现状, 重点综述了近五年来MOFs在OPSCs中的应用与进展。
光伏技术 金属有机框架材料 钙钛矿太阳能电池 photovoltaic technology metal organic framework materials perovskite solar cells 
2021, 42(11): 1722
深圳大学物理与光电工程学院 光电器件与系统重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518000
有机-无机卤化铅钙钛矿多晶薄膜太阳能电池在近几年的研究中实现了光电转换效率的快速增长。然而,其多晶结构的活性层导致器件仍然遭受到表面和晶界位置缺陷引起的性能衰减。本研究借助两种有机氢碘酸盐,即苯乙基碘化胺(Phenethylammonium iodide,PEAI)和邻氟苯乙胺碘(2-Fluorophenylethylammonium iodide,o-F-PEAI),在CH3NH3PbI3钙钛矿多晶薄膜表面形成钝化层。扫描电子显微镜和原子力显微镜分析结果显示,PEAI和o-F-PEAI处理后的钙钛矿薄膜晶界被钝化层明显填充,表面粗糙度也显著下降。另外,荧光寿命成像分析结果显示钝化后的钙钛矿薄膜具有更多的光子数和更长的荧光寿命。上述结果表明,PEAI和o-F-PEAI诱导的钝化层可以有效抑制多晶薄膜表面和晶界位置的缺陷复合行为。因此,钝化后的倒置结构钙钛矿太阳能电池器件功率转换效率(Power conversion efficiency,PCE)可以达到21%。此外,o-F-PEAI钝化处理后的器件由于氟离子的作用表现出更好的器件稳定性。
荧光寿命显微成像 倒置钙钛矿太阳能电池 表面钝化 fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy inverted perovskite solar cell surface passivation PEAI PEAI o-F-PEAI o-F-PEAI 
2021, 42(7): 1029
王丹 1,2,3薛彬 1,3涂浪平 3张友林 3[ ... ]孔祥贵 3,*
1 深圳大学 物理与光电工程学院 光电子器件与系统教育部/广东省重点实验室,广东 深圳 518060
2 深圳大学 信息工程学院,广东 深圳 518060
3 中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室,吉林 长春 130033
对于稀土离子掺杂的上转换发光,由于稀土离子吸收截面小、吸收范围窄,导致其发光强度受限。最近,在稀土上转换纳米粒子的表面连接近红外染料分子敏化发光,被证实是提高上转换发光强度的有效策略。然而,将染料分子连接经典的稀土Yb掺杂纳米粒子,并不能有效利用染料分子的敏化能力。针对这一问题,本文通过高温热分解法成功制备了Nd3+敏化的核/壳/壳 (NaYF4:Yb/Er (20/2%)@ NaYF4:Yb (10 %)@ NaYF4:Nd (80 %))纳米结构,与经典的IR-806敏化的NaYF4:Yb/Er纳米结构相比,IR-806敏化的Nd3+掺杂的核/壳/壳纳米结构的上转换发光(500~700 nm)强度增强了约38倍。通过荧光光谱及荧光寿命分析证实,上转换发光强度增强源于Nd的吸收与近红外染料分子的有效交叠,以及壳层结构对发光中心的保护作用(Er3+ (4S3/24I15/2)的寿命延长了1.7倍)。另外,研究发现纳米壳层结构中最外层掺杂的Yb3+离子将导致染料敏化发光减弱。进一步,这种IR-806敏化的Nd掺杂的核/壳/壳纳米结构可实现增强发光中心为Ho及Tm的上转换发光。本文研究为提高染料敏化上转换发光及应用提供了新途径。
上转换发光 稀土离子 染料敏化 纳米粒子 upconversion luminescence dye-sensitized lanthanide ion nanoparticles 
2021, 14(2): 418
Author Affiliations
Center for Biomedical Optics and Photonics (CBOP) & College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China
Functionalized black phosphorus (BP) nanosheets have been considered as promising nanoagents in cancer therapy due to their excellent photothermal conversion efficiency. However, it is still difficult to visually monitor the dynamic localization of BP nanoagents in cancer cells. In this paper, we systematically studied the second-harmonic generation (SHG) signals originating from exfoliated BP nanosheets. Interestingly, under the excitation of a high frequency pulsed laser at 950 nm, the SHG signals of BP nanosheets in vitro are almost undetectable because of their poor stability. However, the intracellular SHG signals from BP nanosheets could be measured by in vivo optical imaging due to the efficient enrichment of living HeLa cells. Moreover, the SHG signal intensity from BP nanosheets increases with the prolonged incubation time. It can be expected that the BP nanosheets could be a promising intracellular SHG nanoprobe employed for visually in vivo biomedical imaging in practical cancer photothermal therapy (PIT).
Second harmonic generation nanoprobe black phosphorus nanosheets in vivo imaging HeLa cells visual monitoring 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2021, 14(2): 2041006
王丹 1,2,3薛彬 1,3涂浪平 3张友林 3[ ... ]孔祥贵 3
1 深圳大学物理与光电工程学院 光电子器件与系统教育部/广东省重点实验室, 广东 深圳 518060
2 深圳大学 信息工程学院, 广东 深圳 518060
3 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所 发光学及应用国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130033
单带上转换红光发射在高分辨生物标记及三维彩色显示方面具有重要应用。本文针对Ho3+/Ce3+共掺杂纳米体系单带上转换红光较弱的问题,设计制备了染料(IR-806)敏化的NaYF4∶Yb/Ho/Ce(20%/2%/10%) @NaYF4∶Nd(20%)纳米晶,显著增强了上转换红光发射。采用溶剂热法制备了均匀的上转换纳米粒子,通过调控核内部Ce3+离子掺杂浓度比例(0~10%)逐步获得单带上转换红光发射。在此基础上,通过上转换纳米粒子表面连接近红外IR-806染料分子,808 nm激发下其上转换发光强度提高了约22倍,特别地,红绿荧光强度比从4.8增至8.4。结果表明,染料敏化可用于增强上转换单带红光发射,并提高红光色纯度,这有利于高清晰的生物成像应用。
上转换发光 单带红光发射 染料敏化 纳米粒子 upconversion luminescence single-band red emission dye-sensitization nanoparticles 
2020, 41(9): 1114
1 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部, 江苏 苏州 215200
2 江苏亨通光纤科技有限公司, 江苏 苏州 215200
从光纤预制棒、光纤拉丝炉、光纤熔接等方面阐述了低熔接损耗环保型单模光纤研制过程。主要从原材料以及反应原理角度出发, 探索了无氯环保型光纤预制棒的开发过程;同时从拉丝炉的气流场进行分析, 完成了光纤拉丝炉的开发, 该拉丝炉可用于直径不均匀光棒的拉丝, 光纤丝径的3σ值稳定在0.186 5左右。最后进行了熔接试验, 研制出光纤的双向熔接平均值不管在1 310 nm还是在1 550 nm, 均在0.03以下, 顺利完成了低熔接损耗环保型单模光纤的研制。
光纤预制棒 光纤拉丝炉 光纤熔接 无氯环保 直径不均匀 optical fiber preform fiber drawing furnace fiber splicing chlorine-free environmental protection uneven diameter 
2019, 17(5): 18
Author Affiliations
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China
Inorganic quantum dots (QDs) have excellent optical properties, such as high fluorescence intensity, excellent photostability and tunable emission wavelength, etc., facilitating them to be used as labels and probes for bioimaging. In this study, CdSe@ZnS QDs are used as probes for Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope (FLIM) and stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy imaging. The emission peak of CdSe@ZnS QDs centered at 526 nm with a narrow width of 19 nm and the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) was 64%. The QDs presented excellent anti-photobleaching property which can be irradiated for 400 min by STED laser with 39.8mW. The lateral resolution of 42.0 nm is demonstrated for single QDs under STED laser (27.5mW) irradiation. Furthermore, the CdSe@ZnS QDs were for the first time used to successfully label the lysosomes of living HeLa cells and 81.5nm lateral resolution is obtained indicating the available super-resolution applications in living cells for inorganic QD probes. Meanwhile, Eca-109 cells labeled with the CdSe@ZnS QDs was observed with FLIM, and their fluorescence lifetime was around 3.1 ns, consistent with the in vitro value, suggesting that the QDs could act as a satisfactory probe in further FLIM-STED experiments.
CdSe@ZnS QDs FLIM STED living cells 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2019, 12(5): 1940003
Author Affiliations
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of Ministry of Education and Guangdong Province, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, P. R. China
Recently, photothermal therapy (PTT) has been proved to have great potential in tumor therapy. In the last several years, MoS2, as one novel member of nanomaterials, has been applied into PTT due to its excellent photothermal conversion e±cacy. In this work, we applied fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) techniques into monitoring the PPTtriggered cell death under MoS2 nanosheet treatment. Two types of MoS2 nanosheets (single layer nanosheets and few layer nanosheets) were obtained, both of which exhibited presentable photothermal conversion e±cacy, leang to high cell death rates of 4T1 cells (mouse breast cancer cells) under PTT. Next, live cell images of 4T1 cells were obtained via directly labeling the mitochondria with Rodamine123, which were then continuously observed with FLIM technique. FLIM data showed that the fluorescence lifetimes of mitochondria targeting dye in cells treated with each type of MoS2 nanosheets significantly increased during PTT treatment. By contrast, the fluorescence lifetime of the same dye in control cells (without nanomaterials) remained constant after laser irradiation. These findings suggest that FLIM can be of great value in monitoring cell death process during PTT of cancer cells, which could provide dynamic data of the cellular microenvironment at single cell level in multiple biomedical applications.
Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) MoS2 nanosheets photothermal therapy (PTT) 4T1 cells 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2019, 12(5): 1940002

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